Our Name


“Property must be secured or Liberty cannot exist” – John Adams
Americans are blessed to live in the greatest republic established by man. Through the divine hand of our Creator, our founding fathers established a government and guarantee of personal rights that give American citizens the ability to control our government as long as we remain eternally vigilant and stay true to those core principles.


“We follow in the footsteps of our forefathers, strengthening property rights. From these flow all other rights.”
Stewardship is a distinct concept with its roots in biblical principles where man was given dominion over land and animals. Fundamental to this principle is the right to own and control property and protect it from infringement by others. It is distinct from environmentalism where the environment is protected from man’s use and individuals are not trusted to manage the land independent of government control. We believe that private ownership of the land leads to the best stewardship of our natural resources.

…of Liberty

“Either you have the right to own property, or you are property” – Wayne Hage
In America, citizens have the right to choose their profession and faith, while maintaining protection for their land, family and wealth. A limited government is necessary so that individual liberties are respected. It is the rapid infringement of our rights and expansion of government that brought American Land Foundation and Stewards of the Range together. In the spirit of our founding fathers we are working in communities across the nation, helping to restore local control and reestablish the principles upon which our nation was created.

Our Quill Pen

The feather quill pen in our logo represents our respect for the remarkable system of government established by our forefathers. A quill pen was used to sign the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States as well as many other critical documents upon which our nation’s laws rest. With God’s blessings we will stand and defend these principles that created the greatest republic on Earth.

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